• 718-291-2676 |
  • Sunday In Person Worship 9:00 am | Online 9am & 12:15pm

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.(ESV)

Children's Ministry

"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Mark 10:14

Foundation Church, formerly known as Bethel Gospel Tabernacle has a vibrant Sunday School Ministry with experienced teachers. Presently our young children are attending Sunday School on the 2nd and 3rd Sunday @9:00am and all other Sundays on Zoom at 12:00 noon. Our curriculum is Bible-based and specfically focuses on the age groups that we serve. We are pleased with the outcome of our distance learning program, which has been well-received by the children and parents alike.

Parents are to encouraged to join their children whenever possible.You will be pleased at the level of Biblical education your  child can achieve.




3 And 4 Year Old Children 

The children begin the day with prayer and by saluting the flag.

At Bethel we teach children the Word of God by incorporating various well-developed activities that encourage learning at an early age. We emphasize Christian values and the social graces as part of their building blocks as they grow.


7 And 8 Years

Our growing children move on to learn the Bible on a more mature level. Here they increase their reading ability as they to learn how to read Bible verses. They participate in practical expercises to help bring clarity to their lessons. 

Introducing activities, games and challenges keep the children involved and enhance their learning experience.



9 and 10 Years 

As Bethel's Middlers continue to learn the Word of God with their peer group, they find learning is easier because they are able to share things that children their age are interested in. Here they are able to discuss what they have learned without feeling intimidated by people that seem to be more knowledgeable about the Bible.


11 and 12 Years 

Bethel's Juniors are growing in size and stature. They have learned  many Bible stories and Christian principles over the years. Their activies are well-planned and appropriate for their developing minds and spirits as they continue to be challenged to live according to the Word of God.
  • 718-291-2676 |
  • Sunday In Person Worship 9:00 am | Online 9am & 12:15pm